Day 2: Open

It is possible to open yourself up to multiple experiences that leave real imprints on your life.

Where to begin? I could write about a time I remained open-minded, or a time I felt open to new opportunities. I want to write some fiction using open as a theme, but alas writer’s block is very real right now: 23:29 on April 2nd.

Students at Okondjatu Combined School

In April 2017, I lived at the Okondjatu Combined School in Namibia for a week with my team. During that time we not only worked on our university project, but played and learned from the students and faculty at the school. This opportunity changed my life and opened to my eyes to the appreciation that these students had towards their education. We brought them new environmental education with the help of EduVentures, an organization based in Windhoek, Namibia. The students exhibited interests in the new material as well as future aspirations to study STEM. I loved spending time with these very genuine children. I learned to appreciate more in life and not take anything for granted. I am forever changed by there positive attitudes and big smiles.

I explore the art of photography to open my perception to everything beautiful

Orange cactus flower (2019)
Dancing caterpillar (2019)
Purple passion flower (2020)

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